Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9555300 times)

Big Brother it's just that your face seems to belong to a more feminine lad than a big muskel master like yourself. It's still cute though so you're fine.

[img ][/img]
i need to get a haircut. bad.
really bad.

you look so much older than i expected

Look I posted it in the right topic Maybe I should gay it up some more.

[i mg][/img]
Look I posted it in the right topic Maybe I should gay it up some more.

I need to get an actual haircut rather than having it cut short again :/

maxwell looks like chris martin

Can't tell which face makes me look sillier. So have both pictures.

I think the second one might pose as creepy, i can't tell. It's been forever since i made a face that looks recognizably normal for a normal person.

Can't tell which face makes me look sillier. So have both pictures.

[IMG ][/img]
[IMG ][/img]

I think the second one might pose as creepy, i can't tell. It's been forever since i made a face that looks recognizably normal for a normal person.
First one looks okay, second one reminds me of T0XIC.

shave your face

your facial hair isn't manly, it makes you look like a creep

shave your face

your facial hair isn't manly, it makes you look like a creep
But i'm doing a bet

for the monieeeesss


shave it off

for the ladieeessss