Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8857782 times)

You read my mind.

Male hiveminds. Predictable, utterly predictable.

Female know-it-all minds. The same can be said.

Male hiveminds. Predictable, utterly predictable.
Not like your typical slut can't be predicted either.

Male hiveminds. Predictable, utterly predictable.
Naked Mole Rat minds, simple and boring.

Also, nice hat back there.

Not my room, it's my ex-girlfriend's room and her brother's posters.  hahaha

Male hiveminds. Predictable, utterly predictable.

ohhhhh shut the forget up

i'll tell you what's predictable

that loving comment

i haven't said forget enough yet,

« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 06:17:37 PM by Pimpin »

:( I'm sorry Neozuki my love. Let's have a conversation on MSN. Right now.
What's wrong with this picture?
A) Spelling
B) Random double spacing
C) Entirely wrong sizing and font to be a (de)motivator
D) Don't be mean about my Ladios.

Other than that, awesome :D
Are you Ladios's bitch or something?

Either fail or purposely made to look like you messed up so others can clearly see it without having to copy/paste it.

Hahaha, this was not my doing.  :P

Hey I have that poster on the right!

Actually, it was kinda both. You see, with the other brackets around the "[/lame joke]" messing up the size. So, either way, wouldn't matter.

Actually, size cannot equal to 0 anymore.

ohhhhh shut the forget up

i'll tell you what's predictable

that loving comment

i haven't said forget enough yet,


Are you Ladios's bitch or something?
Yes. Obviously.