Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9551810 times)

why does it have 2,300 views
posted to transgender reddits

thank you for not hotlinking that

cause he looks like his parents live in a rich suburban neighborhood surrounded by a golf course

cuz he knows how to get it in the hole

cuz he knows how to get it in the hole

He gave his gf the iron during the prom festivities

posted to transgender reddits
Did you see it there lol
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 10:30:25 AM by Mr Man »

Did you see it there lol
i dont usually go there but i saw it when i went looking for it as i wrote the post

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

Didn't you die a while ago... like in the 60's?

« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 01:35:51 AM by Path »

Dude Pattons chick is wearing pink😨
patton my g
Say hi to tupac and bin laden for me ok peac
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 01:29:37 AM by Path »

Can't post images since I'm stuck on mobile for a while, but here's my friend and I getting ready for prom the other night. I actually thought I looked pretty damn good, eyebrows aside.

you both have terrifying smiles

no he looks like luke skywalker damnit