Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8864719 times)

nice eyebrows loser

I pulled them out but I'm trying to grow them back. I was doing pretty good but I started getting back into the habit again. Same thing with my eyelashes.

do you wash your hair ever

do you wash your hair ever

Yes. I just don't use cheap shampoo or overwash it.

my dude i can see dead hair and skin flakes in your hair and it's greasy af

why the hell did you pull your eyebrows out
my dude i can see dead hair and skin flakes in your hair and it's greasy af
he's into necro
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 01:33:49 PM by Drydess »

my dude i can see dead hair and skin flakes in your hair and it's greasy af

You wanna come over here and feel it for yourself? It's perfectly normal.

why the hell did you pull your eyebrows out

I just started doing it when I was seven and it felt good.

his hair looks fine 2 me but maybe im blind

my dude i can see dead hair and skin flakes in your hair and it's greasy af
that is not greasy hair wtf, nor do i see skin flakes/dandruff, his hair looks perfectly fine for his hair texture. not saying that i agree with his hair style choice though. even then, hairstyle =/= healthy hair

like cmon dude do you know when to not constantly pester people

Could someone upload Willy' s pictures to something other than imgur so I can see em

The wifi im on blocks imgur lol

willy looks like he was a bully in elementary school

You wanna come over here and feel it for yourself? It's perfectly normal.
i'd rather not be within a 5 mile radius of you

He looks like the result of a hideous car accident.

I'm afraid for my mortal soul looking at his photo. The more I stare, the more I can feel it being pulled from my person into a dark dimension of Hell.

He looks like the result of a hideous car accident.

I'm afraid for my mortal soul looking at his photo. The more I stare, the more I can feel it being pulled from my person into a dark dimension of Hell.

you've already been sucked in