Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 9658573 times)

take it to instagram you froot loops

Got kicked out of the other thread by Badspot, so I'll throw it here instead:

blond actually looks better
also stop licking vertical horizon she has cooties

I don't have a lot of pics where my hair is that light, seeing as it's usually only that light for a few min before we put the blue dye on it. But here ya go, with a bonus of my head slathered in blue dye and one of the end products:

is that a nipple on the third image but pointed upwards

this is modern age feminism in its prime

this is modern age feminism in its prime

No this is, m'lady

Buy Maxx Male Vitality Browder

please stop i don't want this

please stop i don't want this
"I want to get off Browder's Wild Ride"