Author Topic: PORT: Airship & Electric Guitar  (Read 23273 times)

When you stop useing the guitar it puts you in hand cuffs.

When you stop useing the guitar it puts you in hand cuffs.
Umm... what are you talking about?  Also, nice bump -_-

You do realize that this topic was made on december 23rd of last year?  And who are you to declare a fail? 
Name:   Dudeguy
Posts:   5 (0.217 per day)
Position:   Member
Date Registered:   March 23, 2009, 01:56:29 pm
Last Active:   Today at 02:57:45 pm
He can do whatever he wants.
And as the creator of the guitar, he did not get any permission. If I wanted to port it, I would've done it myself.
He also did the stufftiest job he could have possibly done.

Its great just greatsome (awesome+ great)

Its great just greatsome (awesome+ great)


why dont you people just enjoy the add on for what it is and stop freaking flaming the guy!!
good for you i agree you should just give the guy a brake dumbass

How wasn't this failed yet -.-

Take out the link please. Nobody really wants this, exept for the newbies.
It has many bugs, and can even crash laggy servers.
-_- I no noob! I had downloaded this right before the motherboard crashed!

-_- I no noob! I had downloaded this right before the motherboard crashed!
you're a noob if you bump that bad and talk that way.
also no such thing as a "motherboard".

you're a noob if you bump that bad and talk that way.
also no such thing as a "motherboard".
Are you handicapped?