Author Topic: Talk About The 10ks!  (Read 6459 times)

Today i seen ID 9921 so we are almost at 10k. Post if you are going to try to buy 10k or what you think about it.\
The 10ks are here!! edit edit*
« Last Edit: January 02, 2009, 03:51:00 PM by LTvic »

I might buy a new id above 10k for either my friend or my self. I don't know what i should do. Also if i bought it for my friend it would be his B-day gift. O, and hi Lt. Vic.

Seen ID 9936 today!

Blockland is at the end as we know it.

The highest ID someone saw was like 9986. The highest ID I saw was 9956 9968.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 11:51:12 PM by TheArchitect »

How about all you stupid friends shut the forget up about how OBVIOUSLY all 10ks are going to be stupid friends like you.

Seriously. I'm a 4k. Alexander is a something-I-forgot-k. CeeCee is like a 9k. EVERY generation has its fair share of good players, and the same for its idiots. No matter how stupid they are though, anyone who thinks that their ID is the reason they're loving stupid is the lesser of the two.

How about all you stupid cigaretteots shut the forget up about how OBVIOUSLY all 10ks are going to be stupid cigaretteots like you.

Seriously. I'm a 4k. Alexander is a something-I-forgot-k. CeeCee is like a 9k. EVERY generation has its fair share of good players, and the same for its idiots. No matter how stupid they are though, anyone who thinks that their ID is the reason they're loving stupid is the lesser of the two.

You just owned them. I agree entirely with you, M. I have seen 1000s that are complete loving idiots, and 9000s that are pretty smart and mature. The IDs are just for identification purposes for the game itself so it can carry out certain processes, I believe. You are numbered by the time you joined, but that does not mean you should be discriminated against. It is exactly like loveism and racism, what you people are doing.

I like noobs :) they are cute to watch build when they play quietly

I like noobs :) they are cute to watch build when they play quietly

Like watching a kitten play with a ball of yarn? :D