Author Topic: Suggestion for Blockland v0002  (Read 9458 times)

I forward this motion.

Hey I forward this motion. Betcha none of you know who I really am o.O ooo eee ooo. Except venom and maveric.
Your Cookiemonster right?

Well what else do we have?

Facechild needs to change the title again...

No I am not cookiemonster.

I reverse the motion.... And forward it.

He eleted the thread...

So everyone forwards this, but Badspot just ignores it, i guess thats his answer... :[

So he wants his creation to die like a abused kid...

No, He doesn't want to read idiotic named topics such as, BADSPOT, READ THIS. Maybe if it was named intelligently then he would read it.

*changes name again*
What i'm saying is that i would have never known about this game if Diggy had never told me about it, and then you guys would have missed out on my good graces! ;D.
it seem almost completely word-of-mouth, we need some linkeys from popular freeware sites, maybe badspot might find some really great coders to help him.

A boost of what though, I mean yeah we'll get more players, and some of them will more than likely be talented, but we may get more freelancers and funkymums, and cougars and goofymans, and with Badspot taking so long to ban these people is it really worth the possible aggrivation?
ingrone us i r a bum