Author Topic: MEDIC!!  (Read 1699 times)

related to tf2? nah, i thought this was related to the 'teacher knows bouts teh internet' thread, because he said in gym he got hit with a dodgeball and the teacher called "MEDIC" and whore a shirt that said ' so i hurd u like mudkipz'

related to tf2? nah, i thought this was related to the 'teacher knows bouts teh internet' thread, because he said in gym he got hit with a dodgeball and the teacher called "MEDIC" and whore a shirt that said ' so i hurd u like mudkipz'

OK, so in gym today, we were playing a game (first day off break) and I was in the corner of the gym and like 20 people ran at me, I went flying out the door, slid a few feet and was laying on the ground thinking "I BROKE MY loving LEGS OMFG OMFG" and then I got up and felt EXTREME PAIN and i'm liek OW GODDAMNIT and I had one person help me off to the side and sit in the place u go when you're "tagged" and the teacher's liek YOU'LL BE FINE and im liek ok
(walking with a limp now(left knee)) and this lady falls and NICKS her nose on the wall, ESCORTED TO THE loving NURSE, I'M LIEK WTF
sorry to all the people that thought that this was tf2 related

Cool story bro.