Author Topic: As yet unnamed space cruiser.  (Read 5027 times)

It's not a big ship but i think it makes up for that by having lots of weapons. I could not think of a better color, or more precisely was too lazy to paint the entire thing, float a ways away, look, and then re-paint. So it's grey, also the interior is sparse I suppose I'll do something with it when i think of something. I'm too lazy to paint and decorate the interior but i spent a good hour setting up the weapons barrage know, priorities and whatnot.

Here's some external shots:

...and with the shields on:

...and the aforementioned weapons firing a barrage (had to build a scaffold out a ways to set a firing button on for some of the shots):

Here's some internal shots:
The (working) grav lifts:

The roosterpit with an explanation of the very complicated controls:

Weapons storage, the lights turn on when the door opens so you can better choose your means on communicating with friendly aliens, i would recommend the "diablo":
(had to put a button on the inside after i uh... well, it's kind of a pain flying back up from the planet after you commit Self Delete and respawn)

Handy airlock, for your space walking pleasure. It has a red and green light to indicate whether the inner and outer doors are open. I'd like to set up something that kills everyone on board when they both are (decompression) but I'm to lazy to set it up.

The engineering deck, complete with Bluetonium reactor and discreet self destruct button.
(Bluetonium being the best source of power in the universe, also the bluest)

My thanks to all those that made all the add-ons that let me add the little doodads.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 03:58:36 PM by zz_tophat »

Dude this is awesome!!!!!

This is a very decent, if not excellent build.

I love it. Also, great job with the shield idea.

I love it the only thing that made me go "Eh" was the outside its a little on the box side

Thanks for the compliments people but as this is my first post the next thing i build has to be ever better or I'll look like I'm slacking.

maybe i should have posted a house first... a house full of zombies! or wait, a mansion full of zombies!... no! a prison full of zombies! ...a prison full of zombies that can have their spawn points turned off by activating several triggers deep in the infested prison, forcing players to attack a zombie strong hold to win!  Yup, that would be cool... but too much work *falls asleep*

I love it the only thing that made me go "Eh" was the outside its a little on the box side

I thought so too but what it came down to was: interior space .vs external appearance. Adding to the outside to make it more angular made it look really "busy" or just fat. Now that i think about it i guess this is why all real utilitarian ships look like floating boxes.

sweet now i just need to finish my space cruiser. mine is like a frigate, not like yours, but yours could fit in my hanger i bet. Right now im just too lazy to finish it, but i promise i will have it finished sometime, along with my Defend Your Castle: Custom Castle Arena. You make a castle/fort and defend yourself against hordes of zombies!

One of the few decent starships in Blockland. I salute you.

can you post the save so i can get a better look at it?

can you post the save so i can get a better look at it?

Yes please!!

OFFTOPIC: hey army, did you make your avatar or get it off a sprite sheet?

ONTOPIC: Teh Pwnage. Also, get us a save.

I would post the save but i keep getting an attachment error.

What's a good place to host it?