handicaps in Blockland.

Author Topic: handicaps in Blockland.  (Read 4743 times)

wow, you finally realize not every one online acts mature

 :cookieMonster: [obligitory]

Well, be glad Serious Sam isn't in TBM anymore. I hate that dumbass.

Was he the one who made the 'penus' thread before the forum was reset?

That guy died cause he didn't read the directions on the bottle:

If the Force lasts more than 4 hours, seek medical help.

I got that from Newsweek. :cookieMonster:

Oh wait. the guy with the maturbation probelm?

I had a picture for him that I was going to post. Well, happy climaxs to him, but by now he must have a chasity belt on by now.

Ratty, I was Jolby.  I was playing around on AiO because I knew nobody on there was skilled enough to beat me at that time...especially anyone from the RED clan.  That was the only screenshot I got of the RED guys being starfishs, but let me tell you there were many, many more occasions.

We are infamous for being assholes.

Is that clan still going? Cause isn't Funky  like the leader or somthing?

Dunno. spend all of my time here again.

There's a new clan going around as trob, The handicaps of blockland, If you see them on your server, BAN THEM INSTANTLY, They crash servers, and have stupid snake scripts.

Is that clan still going? Cause isn't Funky  like the leader or somthing?
i was never the leader i just got the tag wrong. plus i diddn't spam and stuff EDIT: how bad are they're snake scripts
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 07:36:00 PM by Funkymun1 »

Are you stupid? Okay, dumb question.

I'm pretty sure he was joking, who would be in a clan called The handicaps of Blockland?