Author Topic: ZoneEvents v5  (Read 19850 times)

when i make a zone it keeps trying to push me away out of it how do i stop it i need to make this so that i can basicly make a space station with low grav or with grav depending on how i want it

Like I said before. In zero or negative gravity the player is pushed from the center of the rick outwards. To fix this use multiple small bricks preferably 1x1 with events on every other one. This will fix your problem. Also, try to make guard rails/walls.

well i have it at the gravity as is whas when i creat the zone i dont change a thing and it still pushes me away

Ok I get the jist of it but what exactly does the force vector thing do when your setting the bricks zone? I have yet to figure that out.

Also dunno what happened but I screwed with the water zone events and eventually it made the water look non existent while your in the zone but it still had the properties of water. (I wasn't in 3rd person.)

well i have it at the gravity as is whas when i creat the zone i dont change a thing and it still pushes me away

Use smaller bricks if it pushes you away, as ryan said.

but if i use smaller bricks it wont make a zone for some reson

I crown you an official failure of events. Remember: It takes more muscles to frown than smile!

would you like to prove that?
I crown you an official failure of events. Remember: It takes more muscles to frown than smile!
i will make a server and you test me to make event stuff it will be called wroths server of events i will do no event addons and youl see just how good i am with events
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 02:35:16 PM by wrothmonk »

Ive been testing and retesting and i cant find any problem with zero gravity pushing you out.. zones also work fine on small bricks.

Later i will try and make a detailed help file on how the system works.

maby its just becouse im on mac

I don't know whats wrong but when I try to create a zone it will reset the force vector to 0.  No matter what numbers i put in they all become zero when i click send

Do you have the old version of Rotondo's setAppearance mod? I think that broke things in a similar way.

who would use that mod its impossable to use it fails

who would use that mod its impossable to use it fails
Do you have the old version of Rotondo's setAppearance mod? I think that broke things in a similar way.

actually i did have the old setAppearance. thanx space guy