Author Topic: Kid claims he is making an MMO, is actually AoT  (Read 6703 times)

legend of talian looks awesome

also, Baddy how would you find somebody trying to steal AoT on a Pokemon forum


also, Baddy how would you find somebody trying to steal AoT on a Pokemon forum

I don't think that he found it, someone else did and told him that. Or am I wrong?

So vamp is makeing ads for his mod thing Now :o or did some1 try to steal his stolen mod

Haha, badspot is a beggining trainer XD

I found this kinda ironic. I went back one thread and found this.


also, Baddy how would you find somebody trying to steal AoT on a Pokemon forum
Google alerts maybe?


Ok, I think we can confirm that Roblox has 'Blockland' has a tag.


also, Baddy how would you find somebody trying to steal AoT on a Pokemon forum

Maybe he likes Pokemon~

Jesus Christ. What a handicap.

Also, what a horrible website.

What was whoever found that doing there anyway?
But the funny thing is how loving ownd that kid was.  Not only was his credibility raped, but his credibility was raped.

Just in case you guys didn't know

ashandmisty = xVampirox in game, Hellboy Nat on forums = DarkSilence in game and on forums.

Hey guise! I'm working on this AWSOME pokemon MMORPG! It's called Super Mario World!

Hey guise! I'm working on this AWSOME pokemon MMORPG! It's called Super Mario World!
mien iz bettur, iz callud suckroblox