Author Topic: BattleAxe  (Read 17268 times)


A basic battleaxe, good for medieval RPGs. A good expansion to the Melee weapons set. Credits to SoulStealer for the scripting and me for the model.
PS: I am BrokenShadow.
I can sense barbarian RPGs coming.
This was my first model/add-on
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 01:47:53 PM by heedicalking »

Hm, nice. I think about downloading.  :cookie:

RAnDoM CaPItOl lEtTeRs cAn bE AnNOyIng. (No offense to RaNdOm CaPs
Edit: Weird, my computer displayed it wrong first time I looked at it :c

Pictures make it look not blocko :/
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 01:13:29 PM by Fizzles »

Cool now we need a mace and other Medieval stuff
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forget HIM/HER i dont care about the dam replay damit

Hmmm looks nice but doesn't look like it's flatshaded also the blade might have to be thicker if it's just a face... which it is

That is a terrible model for use in Blockland.

That is a terrible model for use in Blockland.
Yay the truth has been spoken!

That is a terrible model for use in Blockland.
It seems alright to me. Sorta looks like the real plastic Lego-people weapons.

Nice work Heed, i like it  :)

It seems alright to me. Sorta looks like the real plastic Lego-people weapons.
True, but we aren't perfectly rounded like them.

worst piece of shee-shee i ever seen in my blocko life! if i were you i wouldn't even think of releasing a new add-on ever. 

Could you make the Handle Brown please like make it look like wood

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« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 04:01:10 PM by TheLegomaster »

worst piece of shee-shee blah blah

shee shee? i think you mean stuff

and no its not...unless its a sword edit. Then it is stuff.

PS: I am BrokenShadow.

i canz tellz from the piktor