Author Topic: Duel Blade Sword  (Read 14930 times)

looks like a giant broken afro pick

The hilt looks odd and too squarish, the handle is too long and the blade(s) are too thin and too far apart, the whole thing doesn't really look that great.
Dum-Dum, it's cool!

Dum-Dum, it's cool!

Stay in the community long enough, you'll learn whats good and whats bad, "dum-dum"

I like the idea...
And this would go realy well in my RPG.
But it is kinda... flat.

duh, arent swords suposed to be flat *corny joke*.

duh, arent swords suposed to be flat *corny joke*.
No, swords are not flat. They are thin (usually), but not flat. Also, this needs to go ahead and be fail binned. :/

Ya know, all these crappy weapon add-ons wouldn't piss me off so much if every loving noob had to download every loving weapon to use in a freebuild where it would not actually have any use at all except to filter out players like me who don't want this stuff crapping up their addons folder.
You are so dang right.


not yay, i though it was 2 swords, not 1 ugly, flat as paper one.

I like it, but the model is pretty bad...
So I will have to agree, this should be fail binned.

Ugly ass model.

Oh llooks I'd tots paeper sord!!!!!!!!

i do have any Idea to save this, have it do like 5 damage, and on use it breaks due to being cardboard.

No, swords are not flat. They are thin (usually), but not flat. Also, this needs to go ahead and be fail binned. :/
he said
*corny joke*
didn't you listen?
i do have any Idea to save this, have it do like 5 damage, and on use it breaks due to being cardboard.

didn't you listen?
No, I read it. He still meant swords are flat....and continuing
this needs to go ahead and be fail binned. :/

He might have been joking as this is so obviously not epic. :/