Author Topic: What is the person above you avatar saying?  (Read 3376651 times)

* ·•{ Awoken } is sad...

"gaga"? That's... It's just not... Right.

* ·•{ Awoken } is sad...

"gaga"? That's... It's just not... Right.
Off-Topic: lol

On Topic: :~D

Lub Dub - - - Lub Dub - - - Lub Dub... And so on.

gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga gaga!


(That sucks on this font style)

Do the wave... with a glitch jump to the beginning.


Awoken.... will you marry me

Is this something I have to move to Kentucky to do? I mean, it's only an hour drive south, I can do it.

Is this something I have to move to Kentucky to do? I mean, it's only an hour drive south, I can do it.
If my parents sign a letter, yes.... it is!

Well, get the papers signed.


I am now having my name changed to:


Sweet! Don't forget the spaces.

Your avvy screams at me... I like it.