Author Topic: Horizontal Flipping?  (Read 2201 times)

The word Request can work with asking about if a add-on has been made. You're requesting a link to such a add-on. Modification Discussion is not for requesting links to add-ons or asking if one has been made. Wrong board now gtfo, stop trying to defend yourself because you know you're wrong.

What the flip is wrong with you? What part of my post did I ever request a link to anything? I don't know about you people you must not read the post fully or just like wasting topic space and annoying the poster. NOW GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS! I DID NOT REQUEST A LINK NOR SOMEONE TO MAKE IT.

is there a mod already, or did I miss something that was already in the game?
Request for knowledge and request for information on a possible add-on that was made, it pretty much is asking for a link on the internet. If there was one would you like us just to say yes then you can find it yourself? Or did you want a link? Stop being so stupid on the internet.

You know you're just making yourself look like an ass. Everybody else seems to be okay with my topic being here including the administrator except you and a couple others. If it was in the wrong spot i'm sure it would have been moved already. So you sir fail and are getting at nothing. What would you win if it was in the wrong spot which it's not, a gold watch, money, ass of the year award?

Fight the good fight of annoying posters and wasting space.

You know you're just making yourself look like an ass. Everybody else seems to be okay with my topic being here including the administrator except you and a couple others. If it was in the wrong spot i'm sure it would have been moved already. So you sir fail and are getting at nothing. What would you win if it was in the wrong spot which it's not, a gold watch, money, ass of the year award?

Fight the good fight of annoying posters and wasting space.
First, Badspot is not online, second you seem to talk WAY to much and people aren't going to listen to your bitching, third if you've got a problem with the community/Internet then Leave. The fact that you have to defend yourself against something as little as "Move your thread" seems very suspicious as well as totally pointless.

Ha you're such a hypocrite you keep posting in a topic that you cannot post any information relevant to the topic, and what are you doing? You are defending yourself and whining so I will tell you the same thing I told another topic hound "Dr.Block" modified a bit to suit this topic. You see it's people like you that ruin a good topic.

Just leave already, you already proved you are useless in this topic. Go post your useless quibbles somewhere else. JUST LEAVE!

You don't have anything useful to post!
You are a hypocrite!
You are taking up thread space whining about this topic not being in the right section when it is in the right section.
You keep retaliating in this thread and are being an ass.
Your postings are pointless and leading nowhere!
You have lost so you might as well pack up and leave Packer.
There is no point of you to continue posting here unless you want to prove you are a bigger ass then I first thought.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 09:33:24 PM by Obsidian »

I'm not defending myself, I just sitting here laughing my ass off at how hard you are actually trying. This is a forum, not a FAQ Help Center designed for good input only. Seriously just loving leave, nobody likes you, its a simple fact when people try to be smart on the internet that they'll fall over and fail hard, even Rkynick probably gave up on trying to convince you that you're wrong and you can't change that.

As for
These aren't the files your looking for. You don't have the files I am looking for!
You are taking up thread space by posting useless information (also known as spamming) You're taking up "Thread Space" with your annoyingly bad comebacks.
You keep checking in on a thread that you cannot add any useful information to! Welcome to the Internet, we don't serve your kind around here.
Your postings are pointless and leading nowhere! Thats the Blockland Forums for you.

And I say again just leave! No you leave and stop annoying other users with your "YOU'RE WRONG I'M RIGHT AND I'LL BITCH TO MY LAST BREATH", you're spamming more then us.

Ha you're such a hypocrite you keep posting in a topic that you cannot post any information relevant to the topic, and what are you doing?
Actually the fact that this topic must be moved is relevant information.
You are defending yourself and whining
Do you think before you speak? You are defending yourself, you are whining.

Badspot is not on to move or do whatever to the topic.

You don't have anything useful to post!
You are taking up thread space by posting useless information (also known as spamming)
You keep checking in on a thread that you cannot add any useful information to!
Your postings are pointless and leading nowhere!
You have lost

Three of your facts are the exact same thing, "you don't have anything useful to post".

You could just say, "oh sorry I didn't realize it was in the wrong place."
No one would think poorly of you. You would've diverted a flame war, at least.

Lets do some dissection that will be looked over by the original poster.

 - standard whining, "go away!".
 - trying to get the problem to run away instead of running from the problem.
 - Less effective than running from the problem.

  "You don't have anything useful to post!"
 - infers the following: "your post isn't relevant to the topic if you don't agree with me!"
 - telling the problem that it isn't a problem
 - by this logic, nothing the original poster has posted is "useful" either.

The original poster misunderstands that this topic is for DISCUSSING MODIFICATION AND YOUR MOD PROJECTS and not DISCUSSING WHETHER OR NOT A MOD EXISTS which is better done in the suggestions & requests forum. As previously stated you are(or as the original poster would wrongly put it, "your") requesting information about the existence (or lack there-of) of a mod.

In retaliation he will continue to post run-on sentences that can barely be read and say the same thing over and over, ignoring valid statements and remarks made by the "you are a loving idiot" Offensive.

Also Packer, I don't give up unless it comes to modding things for you :p

On a further note I have been working on a project of my own that doesn't leave much time to work on RRM but I might be able to fit something in. If you'd like to see(my project) PM me. Yes, I am unreliable, I know.

Locked due to Aussies and starfishs.

Better watch where you post Packer or the topic hounds might get you. Also your the only person I heard say you don't like me. Oops too late I locked the post, can't retaliate now can ya.