Author Topic: A Sarlacc Pit  (Read 2964 times)

here's a WIP of the sarlacc lol hopefully I can get flamed beyond belief for it from the ignorance that seems to run abound.

(Note: To those not interested in flaming but genuinely confused, this is indeed a WIP of the sarlacc but a less obvious part and extremely bare at that.)

At first I thought that that build sucked, then I realised it's part of the inside of his mouth.

You see, it is people like you (Styles) who don't get off their lazy asses and try to make it themselves. The "Suggestions" board should not be the "Hope people make it" board.

You see, it is people like you (Styles) who don't get off their lazy asses and try to make it themselves. The "Suggestions" board should not be the "Hope people make it" board.


I don't get why you have to tell him that or why you crossed out the U, but I do think that heedical is a forgetnut.

I don't get why you have to tell him that or why you crossed out the U, but I do think that heedical is a forgetnut.
Your the loving homo that supports roblox and has a gay name. forgetnut? What the forget?

I don't support roblox, and that's hardly an insult. I also can't see how "heedical" isn't stupid sounding.

Also, you're. Your is possessive, so...

My the loving homo that supports roblox and has a gay name? What is it?

forgetnut is a pseudonym for "dumbstuff named heedicalking that needs to lick some balls and probably already has, so he needs to grow some."
« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 04:59:21 PM by ChexGuy331 »

Edit:  Oh sorry.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 09:29:05 PM by Quantum »

looks like the pirahana flower that comes out of the pipes in mario

lol now THIS was the type of flame I was hoping for. lol it will be fun to finish this and post it in the gallery thread and enjoy my cookies lol. Anyone that has been on my server knows I'm fairly capable of producing a good build.

Are you loving blind?
No, isn't he talking about an add-on? I mean? He suggests an addon then talks about a build so it is so gay amd i can't understand it.

First off . . . the poster only asked for a Sarlacc . . . others commented on how it would be too time consuming to model/code one . . . so I said I'd make it out of bricks.

Please learn to read before attempting a flame.

lol hopefully I can get flamed beyond belief
flame flame flame flame flame flame flame...
anyhoo-cant wait

Sarlaccs are lame.

Dune worms for the win!