Author Topic: I'm moving - But I want to bring my acid with me.  (Read 11305 times)

yah this jag chode sucks ass

K here's the plan: Make gel tablets, put them in a bottle and give them to the police officers telling them it's candy once they take Every last thing of acid take there guns kill them and smuggle the nothing of acid you have left! >:D It's genius!

"Good thing I have great friends that are always there for me!"
<We all laugh badly>
<Camera Zooms Out Slowly>
<Credits Roll>

take broken hard drive
open it
take out platters
insert acid
stick in compy

Are you moving across the street or across the country are you driving or are you flying? All of these are variables to how you would hide it and if you can take it.

Just put it in a CD case.

1. Learn to spell
2. That is in no way ironic
3. You can't get high from a picture which is why you're a dumbass.

This is some real cliché friendry right here.

Whats with all the friends lately pretending to do drugs?
Hmm, So sorry to pretend.
I don't read this forum often enough to find all of these topics about pretending, so so sorry to be cliche.

This is to the people who don't believe drugs are used by real people, and just by crooks and rockstars.

[I know how to post images, but these are drug related, and so will give you the choice to view or not.]
This is what happened on my last acid trip [which is another name for LSD for who-ever asked]
My finely grinded weed
Wit' ma' pipe. [Notice Sherlock like face]
ALMOST FORGOT! I left these in the bottom of my crate, and only noticed them right before I came to post these. But here are some weed cookies, notice the green tinge.
Better Shot of a single cookie.


Back on topic:
Umm, new idea.
Could I just scan the LSD with my scanner (its really good, scans like 10,000 pixels by 10,000 pixels - so it should capture everything) and then email it to myself and print it off? Would I even need to print it off? Could I just lick the screen if the screen has high enough resolution?
« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 11:13:00 PM by Aaglo »

You're cool.

No, really.

I mean it.

hey guys, i do twice as much drugs.... no 10 times as much drugs as him.
im way cooler right? lets discuss it casually and how im going to carry it around.
it impresses you all right?