Author Topic: Jui-jitsu Techniques  (Read 6132 times)

This is true. It may look gay (unless you practice with a girl), but it is extremely effective. Also, I have used it before in a fight. Did it on muscle memory too. I did it before I realized what I was trying to do. :/
 You are a homoloveual for suggesting that I was implying homoloveual intercourse.
I could just kick you in the balls, bam, over.  In the rare case of you actually knowing what you're doing, I'd punch you in the face.

Ryanb is probably some 8 year old who's trying to show off and be an internet tough guy.

It's all too obvious.

Style < technique <<<< fitness

Sorry but even if all you guys "studied" martial arts online the big mean bully is still going to trample you at school. If you actually did study in real life you'll still likely get trampled anyways unless you yourself are huge, that's how it works. It doesn't matter if you studied some magical martial art that somehow makes you impervious to, say, a kick between the legs, you'll still get thrashed.

All those rules about "Size doesn't matter" and all that other junk only apply to adults, sadly.

All those rules about "Size doesn't matter" and all that other junk only apply to adults, sadly.
I was going to flame you until I read that. I agree completely.

My brother took an Israeli-Russian defense class. Basically how to rip another man's gun out of his hand and beat his ass until he is a bloodied pulp.

Uh, he said they would literally kick your ass and your partner's ass every class.

Israeli-Russian defense class.
Do want. Very much.

I used to take Judo when I was small but I wussed out. Kinda wish I didn't right now. :(
« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 09:28:45 PM by Vertzer »

It's the military style both Israel and Russia operate, combined with Judo*.

Every military style of close quarters combat involves Judo in one way or another*

Every military style of close quarters combat involves Judo in one way or another*

They need to. You need to get pretty loving close to someone and disarm him without having him shoot you, Judo's good for that.

I took Kung Fu back in high school mostly to get in shape. Tried Karate and Tae-kwon-do and Judo and all of those just didn't do it for me. It was basically so I could just hold my own against bullies in school, then I stopped in 12th grade because the whole prep crap kicked in and suddenly I was protected. Kung Fu was good especially because I could outrun those guys when I was still in shape, and I would much rather run then get my ass handed to me by some 350 pound truck.

I've never gotten into any fights. I've only started 1 and the kid deserved it.
People around here don't usually pick on your if you're all quiet. It's when you start trash talking that they get ticked off. Most of the fights that happen are between black guys or stupid kids. They talk a lot, so go figure.

Goon shank

Atleast I'm not in bad shape as in Fat, just can't run for too long.

People around here don't usually pick on your if you're all quiet. It's when you start trash talking that they get ticked off. Most of the fights that happen are between black guys or stupid kids. They talk a lot, so go figure.

Yeah when you live in a small town full of drunkards and french people everyone tends to get a bit more pissed off for no reason.

New Brunswick needs less manic-depressed drunks.

Kay, where does he live? I've been studying Jui-jitsu for three years on my own and for over a year with a dojo. Gracie Combatives class as well as Brazilian. Give me a place and a time....if you live in Georgia =.= I'm not gonna leave the state to beat your ass.....
EDIT: Mainly Jui-jitsu, but Ninjutsu and Aikido a little on the side. I hope to join this Ninjutsu dojo in Atlanta when I'm 18. Not sure why they have an age restriction. I know Ninjutsu is brutal and deadly, but still....

Martial arts can be really ineffective when dealing with varying classes. When you're taught one form, you only train with and against that form, so you're only prepared to face off with someone of a similar style. I took Tae Kwan Do off and on through the years and that's all I ever came across to practice with. So if someone came at me TKD style, I might get the upper hand. Then again, I've been out of practice for a while so my skills might suck too. Would be nice to have the time to go for it again.