Author Topic: Untitled: Stories not meant to be saved.  (Read 15522 times)

I've started making a comic collection. Most of them are done really fast and without a tablet, so bear with me. Most of the art is really crappy, but hopefully you can get the jokes.

















« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 11:33:31 PM by Khorde »

My friend did this once.

But instead of throwing it he hit it with his head.

Update: #2, done in 10 minutes, literally, lol.

Another comic, more to come today.

Good stuff, so far I like the chips and gameboy one.

I think its their facial expression that I like most about them.

Lol'd at the nutritional information on the chips.
Polynesian kids in the ingredients, lol.

Lol'd at the nutritional information on the chips.
Polynesian kids in the ingredients, lol.
I like the 'cheeps' part.

I like the 'cheeps' part.

yeah I don't say 'chips', i say cheeps lol.

(not mexican)

yeah I don't say 'chips', i say cheeps lol.

(not mexican)
Australians say cheeps, lol.

I just love the look on the Elephant's face for some reason.

I want to see more :D