
About the Raid Pirates.....

SierraS is a winner
SierraS is a loser
Good clan
Bad clan
Shatty set-up

Author Topic: Raid Pirates  (Read 10360 times)

Ladios D: Leave the topic alone. We stopped posting.

i demand to join right this minute

i got to go on blockland!my skiing copatishen is about to start i,ll be back!bye!

who want,s to join!it,s a event just now good vs evil!join now!bye!see yalls there if yall,s come!

who want,s to join!it,s a event just now good vs evil!join now!bye!see yalls there if yall,s come!

People should need to own a license before being allowed to operate a keyboard.

People should need to own a license before being allowed to operate a keyboard.

So of all the places to advertise his new Blockland skiing..."copatishen"... He decided on an old AoT clan topic started in February without posts in two months.


i got to go on blockland!my skiing copatishen is about to start i,ll be back!bye!
So when are you going to stop posting unrelated crap in other people's topics?