Author Topic: Uhh, Dental Confusion?  (Read 1109 times)

Okay. So i lost a tooth a while ago. Long while, anyways, one grew back. And then another one pierced through the gumline. 3 layers of teeth? WHAT?


i have a 3rd set of a tooth on top, right in front.
but its only seen in xrays. and its been there forever, never pushing the current one out

im a shark because i dont look back, because i dont have a neck. necks are for sheep

im a shark because i dont look back, because i dont have a neck. necks are for sheep
But....I'm a sheep then. :(

im proud to be the Sheppard of this heard of sharks

im proud to be the Sheppard of this heard of sharks
But you'd be a Sharkard.

Sheppard = Sheep

im proud to be the Sheppard of this heard of sharks
But, I like turtles.

Nice mighty boosh avatar reformist