Author Topic: Brooklyn Bridge  (Read 2561 times)

Hey, you's mus be the new guy round 'ere. See, my name's Slim-swholli, but my friend call me Swholli. Here livin' in da Bronx, then gettin' a job in da city really let me travel the place, ya know? But I've found dat I ain't never seen a prettier picture than dat Brooklyn Bridge. Man, dat baby is a bute! Big, strong, and built jus' great. Every New Yorker's proud of 'er, and everyone else should come and see 'er. It's worth da trip.

She's nice, in't she?

I love standin' under 'er huge arch way.

She flies our flag with that good ol' New Yorker pride.

Breath takin'.

Wonderful at sunset.

Now's I was thinkin'. Maybe I should go an' ask Badspot to put our ol' bride in that, vee - ee- levin' thing. Corse' I can't know fur sure if you all dink she's good enough. So feel free to rate 'er x/10.

And if sum wise guy goes and says: " X/10" as 'is ratin', I'll knock 'is teeth in.

Ugly Blockland settings are... ugly.

Man that's good! one of the best bridges. :cookieMonster:

Why is part of the tower not walled up? (right top side of both halves of the tower, second picture)

Also, fix the flag, it looks horrible.

For a second it looked like a black golden gate bridge. Pretty good 8/10

Looks nothing like the real bridge, the flag is just ew, and it looks very duplicated. None the less I like it

Wow, I can't believe you posted it before finishing. :cookieMonster:

Cylinder spam.

The non-round sections look great though

Fleh, it isn't that detailed, it looks good because of how big it is.

Looks like effort was put into it, but; Its kinda OverDone.


Ugly Blockland settings are... ugly.

They're set up to the highest quality? Other than the resolution ever thing is on high,

Man that's good! one of the best bridges. :cookieMonster:

Thank you.

Why is part of the tower not walled up? (right top side of both halves of the tower, second picture)

Also, fix the flag, it looks horrible.
Wow, I can't believe you posted it before finishing. :cookieMonster:

Yeah it's not actually done, I just wanted to see what everybody thought.

For a second it looked like a black golden gate bridge. Pretty good 8/10

Golden Gate? ... Ok.

Looks nothing like the real bridge, the flag is just ew, and it looks very duplicated. None the less I like it

What are you talking about? I mean I realize I didn't apply the utmost details, but It's still based off the bridge and most people would be able to spot it just by it's duel arch way. But strangely you still like it, so ok. Oh, and parts of it are duplicated, but then again, who's to say I didn't build all of that bridging by hand, it loops like that in the real bridge. :D

Cylinder spam.

The non-round sections look great though

It was the best way to achieve the cable section. Although admittedly it look's spamish, it is necessary to fit the bridge. But still thanks.

Das ist gut! :D

German? I was going for New Yorker, but then again, it's hard to type with an accent.

Fleh, it isn't that detailed, it looks good because of how big it is.

Well there could have been details, but then again, Warren made a detailed version and the brick count was so high that it lagged tremendously when he duplicated one section. And it was smaller than mine.

Looks like effort was put into it, but; Its kinda OverDone.


Over done? How does one over do a build that they attempt for perfection? :D

German? I was going for New Yorker, but then again, it's hard to type with an accent.

I read it as a New Yorker accent mixed with a red-neck, also good build I'm not a big fan of bridge builds though.

I read it as a New Yorker accent mixed with a red-neck, also good build I'm not a big fan of bridge builds though.

Then you need to become a fan. Live for bridges, man.