Author Topic: Garry's Mod Gallery  (Read 1309011 times)

And here we witness a perfect execution of the back flip demonstrated by Heavy.

Not so good on Soldier's part.

How do you manage to make it look so nice? I get my graphics turned up to high and it doesn't turn out as good.

How do you manage to make it look so nice? I get my graphics turned up to high and it doesn't turn out as good.
Yey first time something I made wasn't crappy c:

And I don't know I just have a standard NVidia graphics card.


no text no sepia

hat fortress 2 trade servers in a nutshell

you'll have to excuse me if my poses are bad. its been a long time since i've ever done any serious poses:

do a picture of the truffle shuffle now

The Scout is on a melee only server and was going out to protect the capture point, but he had forgotten his bat, the Spy was 'being nice' and retrieving it for him, only to tease him by not giving it back, the only way he'd give it back was if the Scout did the 'Truffle Shuffle' Heavy came along and seen what was going on, so he told the Spy that it's not nice to tease their teammates

As for what happens next, the world may never know

Do more! :D
Of what? What happens after the Scout Truffle Shuffled?

Heavy shows tiny babies how to shuffle

Of what? What happens after the Scout Truffle Shuffled?
Yeah, make a story or something.