Author Topic: New Vehicle: FunBall  (Read 17055 times)

FunBall - V1
A Fun Vehicle for Rolling down hills, and Getting Dizzy!

Holds 5 people.
Is Slightly controllable to get you rolling.

Credit to Technoscubed for Porting to the new zip system.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 06:20:32 PM by Melting Plastic »

You made this?

forget you. You've lost all my respect, and also, I'm starting to doubt the fact that you even made those Zone events.

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« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 02:44:37 AM by Badspot »

You made this?

forget you.

He's right i'm sorry I just don't think you made this even though you made Zone events which was epic.

Yes I made this, But yes it was a long time ago

This was really fun thanks for bringing it back : )

You made this?
Yeah I remember he released this a long time ago I think there are still some topics in gallery of people playing with it.

I hated this. Please remove the link now. It sucks. And, if you really want to put it back 'in the system' make it better, better controlling, look, etc.

I hated this. Please remove the link now. It sucks. And, if you really want to put it back 'in the system' make it better, better controlling, look, etc.

Go forget yourself. This was one of the oldest, bestest add-ons ever. Also, Heph don't assume things with no knoledge of them. Thanks for bringing this back MP.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 05:53:22 PM by Mr. Snipe »

Thanks for porting. Although someone already gave it to me on here.
It's on the second page.

It is so fun. :D

I have to admit, it was pretty hard to control.
Even though its like a 4-seater not failing toboggan that spins :D

It's not really meant for driving just going down hills and ramps, which is even better now that we have events and can respawn both the vehicles and ourselves to the top of things : D

he did make it, i remeber being on his testing server for this in v7 i think, if not v8.

I hated this. Please remove the link now. It sucks. And, if you really want to put it back 'in the system' make it better, better controlling, look, etc.

No on cares if you hate it. You're not God, you loving starfish. If you don't like it, go cry to your mommy about how some guy on a forum posted something you didn't like. Don't tell him to remove the link because you think you're the loving almighty leader of the world. Oops, I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings? Too bad. Get over it.

Anyways, I loved this vehicle in V8 and I love it now. :D

Is it just me or can the funball fly if you hit a wall at high speeds