Author Topic: Intersecting ramps  (Read 722 times)

I don't know if it's to do with the grid system , but thing that really cheesed me off
is the fact that ramps don't intersect each other.
With my actual lego blocks I can intersect ramps , but on BL it's annoying if you want to make a circular door because if you make it disappear , you see an empty space when it disappears. Durr , that probably sounds wrong. As In you see an empty space either side of the door , from putting in the ramps and such.

If this is a grid problem , just tell me.

I hate that goddamn grid. Optimization my arse.

I didn't get a word of that. Post a picture of 'intersecting'?

I.. Kind of get waht you're saying..
You dislike the grid because of various reasons, involving ramps.. But that's about it, haha.

grah... erm..
How a normal ramp doesn't fit into an inverted ramp , when it's completely physcially and visually possible.

i get it. you cant have a slant like this( / ) fit in another one like that but moved slightly to the side

well,since blockland has a square bounding box for every brick,even ramps,it measures the ability to plant them by the box,not the brick.

The real Lego and Blockland ramp bricks have a slight flat edge between the ramp and the bricks. Putting these together makes it impossible to fit certain ramps together. (e.g. you can't put two +/-45 degree ramps directly together to form a 1x2 brick)

I hate that goddamn grid. Optimization my arse.

Yeah it barely adds 262 fps, pretty lame.