Author Topic: Best way to ask this girl out?  (Read 10736 times)

There is this girl at my school and she is REALLY nice. I always enjoy her company and I can tell she enjoys mine. We have alot of similair intrests such as drums and music. I have been wanting to ask her out for a week or two now. I can tell she likes me, and it almost seems like she is begging for me to ask. Always hinting/suggesting but I can't find the right moment. We usually hang around other people. I also have her msn if that helps.

Any suggestions?

Go to her and ask if she has some time after school and than ask her out?

Go to her and ask if she has some time after school and than ask her out?

Good idea. Where though?

inb4Stick it in her pooper

inb4Stick it in her pooper

12 years old. 13 in march. Although if she asks....

Good idea. Where though?

I don't know. Where does 12 year olds like to go these days?

I don't know. Where does 12 year olds like to go these days?

I remember being 12, I'd say just a walk. Nothing serious, and you get to know eachother.

Better then watching your favorite horror movie.

I remember being 12, I'd say just a walk. Nothing serious, and you get to know eachother.

Better then watching your favorite horror movie.

We've known eachother for a good bit.

I don't know. Where does 12 year olds like to go these days?

Town. Park. Bout' it.

Are you going to marry this girl?

I'd start off with a standard 13 year old pickup line (like in malcom in the middle) like "I think homework's dumb, how about you?" then when she says "yeah i guess" you jump in with "ok, pick you up at 6:30 for dinner and a movie, babe"


I'd start off with a standard 13 year old pickup line (like in malcom in the middle) like "I think homework's dumb, how about you?" then when she says "yeah i guess" you jump in with "my parents will pick you up at 5:30, then we can go see a movie with my parents. My bedtime is at 9."


[/quote edit]

Ah, the mystery of relationships as a tween.

Ask her out to a good movie. Not horror, she may get scared.

If all goes well, go ahead and try dinner at a restaurant.

K, thanks guys will try some of this.

K, thanks guys will try some of this.

How old is she? We can then decide how you should handle it. Responses change by age.