Author Topic: blockland price  (Read 6834 times)

i think they should lower the blockland price im not saying that 19.99 is alot im just saying that blockland is a really fun and addictive online game and there should me more ppl playing i cant afford it now i only have 15 bucks it should be better if it went to idk 15 or 12 bucks and for those who agree have a  :cookie: if you dont agree let the  :cookieMonster: eat it i hope u agree with me.

No.Its good where its at.Badspot may increase the price because of idiots like you.
i hope he does.

lol you only have $15.
BTW horrible idea that makes me want to become emo.

20 dollars is reasonable. It's better than crap you can get for 50 or 60 dollars

I think blockland is hilariously under priced. I do not know a better usage for $20.

Go mow some lawns, kid.

im a member idiot i joined weeks ago my friend wants to know it was his friends mom i keep telling him he doesnt believe me

This game is worth every penny, and more, I think the price should be increased.

Badspot, please raise the price to $60.

Badspot, please raise the price to 750$

Badspot, please raise the price to 750$

May i pay in pennies? lol ive had game for awhile its worth the money.

I'd pay a good $50 for BL if I had to. It's really worth it.

We've already seen Bisjac pay over $100 for one...