Author Topic: blockland price  (Read 6835 times)

Get off the fourms. Dont ask for a price reduction, thats like asking the cleric at a store for a price reduction:

Its annoying

I think he should revoke all keys except his own and Kompressor's, then just make everyone pay it again except it'll be $50.

50% discount for owners of previous keys.

Badspot lower the price to a penny.

It's ridiculous how anyone can think Blockland is over-priced.

What? You can afford a Blockland capable computer with internet usage, but you can't spare 20 bucks to buy it?

If your parents won't let you you could be a cheater and mail 20 dollars. My sister does it all the time :P

i earned $20 in no time when i wanted to get it

I would gladly pay the standard $99 that games cost for Blockland.

Seriously, I would pay $80 if I chose to buy Crysis, and I'd play it through once then never again.
Instead, I bought Blockland for $20, and have spent probably over five hundred hours playing it, easily.
That's the beauty of sandbox games.

Badspot should demand your life savings, the deed to your house and your firstborn.

its the same as buying 2 1000 point games on the wii shop

£14 :D

Blockland has become worth more than $20 to me, but I seriously doubt I would pay $50 for it initially.

No.Its good where its at.Badspot may increase the price because of idiots like you.
i hope he does.


yeah let's reduce it, To 19.98

20 bucks is pretty damn cheap lol.

but badspot gives some of that 20 to paypal for some sales.
and some of it goes to taxes.
and im guessing garage games has their hand in that pocket as well.
and maybe some other unknown-to-us retailing fee
the government automatically takes out child support for 6 kids of badspot's

so in the end he could have like 7 bucks per sale. (horrible guessing)
any less and i would just as well give up on the blockland concept, and find game developing work elsewhere.

but the real question is, how much is ok for you? you think its alot of money because you are kids that have none at all, and even if you did, you dont have the means to buy things online.
so really, no matter how cheap it is, you cant be happy unless its free.
its a law of nature you cant have fun for less then 8 dollars. in this case 20