Author Topic: blockland price  (Read 6837 times)

i think they should lower the blockland price im not saying that 19.99 is alot im just saying that blockland is a really fun and addictive online game and there should me more ppl playing i cant afford it now i only have 15 bucks it should be better if it went to idk 15 or 12 bucks and for those who agree have a  :cookie: if you dont agree let the  :cookieMonster: eat it i hope u agree with me.
If you're too poor to pay $20, then you're too poor to be on the internet.

I think he should revoke all keys except his own and Kompressor's, then just make everyone pay it again except it'll be $50.

50% discount for owners of previous keys.
Previous key owners should only have to pay 30$, because they already payed 20$ for the game originally.

Yeah, let's have monthly payments and a cash shop instead of a square, one-time fee. Great idea.

Yeah, let's have monthly payments and a cash shop instead of a square, one-time fee. Great idea.
Don't go giving Badspot ideas, now D:

Well, I have a feeling that a lot of that 19.99 (or all of it) has to be deducted because this game is made in association with GarageGames. Because of that, he's basically selling something that is in relation to the company--so he has to pay a fee.

He means a member of the forums. Although I had thought that at first, too.


Blockland is priced ever-so-conveniently to filter the idiots out.

Yet, some of them still get in...

It's ridiculous how anyone can think Blockland is over-priced.

What? You can afford a Blockland capable computer with internet usage, but you can't spare 20 bucks to buy it?

If your parents won't let you you could be a cheater and mail 20 dollars. My sister does it all the time :P

im not saying its overpriced idiot

im not saying its overpriced idiot
Then what's the point of your post?
Are you saying you want it to be $1,000?

If you dont have 20$  we dont want you on blockland.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 11:59:30 PM by Jess »

Most game are priced at 20 dollars anyways.

Blockland is priced ever-so-conveniently to filter the idiots out.

Yet, some of them still get in...

If you dont have 4 20$ we dont want you on blockland.
420 all day jess

Oh yeah money, right...