Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3917892 times)


If you don't know what this is from, you can suck a richard.
Isnt that from Descent II and III?

First of all it's my choice on what I do, it's not like you are paying me to make it.  Second, if I make it any thinner the blockheads' head shows through and that defeats the purpose of a hat.  So until I see you struggling to make a hat, shutup.
oh look another handicapped overreaction. no one gives a stuff what you want, if you post it here, it's because you want criticism, and you're going to get it. either learn to grab you richard and take it and for that matter learn from it or get out because no one wants to deal with your pusillanimous individual ass crying about a single bit of criticism.

Well obviously by saying this you haven't fully read what I wrote.  Or have you ever.
you attack anyone who says anything about your models. your hat looks like a grey cake. you can say it's the angle, or it's meant to look like that, or hat making is hard, or how it's your hat, and make up a bunch of crap to defend it. instead of yelling at someone when they say it looks bad you should actually listen to what they say before making some rage filled remark.

you can say it's your model and that no one is paying you, but if you want to make something that's actually good you should listen to what people say. posting it here makes it open for anyone to say anything about it. making models for yourself and shoving off what others think doesn't make you get better. i have not once seen barnabas, kaje, or darkstar yell at someone for critiquing their work. numerous times i have seen them experiment with what people have told them and make edits after edits until it looked good.

i think we've been yelling at indy to grow a richard for at least a month now, maybe 2. i don't see it happening, maybe we can hope he'll at least leave.

Guys, please, just take this stuff to Drama. I want to see dem smexay models.

Guys, please, just take this stuff to Drama. I want to see dem smexay models.
no drama section is stupid and full of people who don't care at all, i dont see why badspot doesn't just shut it down it's quite clear that no one there cares at all. people won't just stop making models if a few people post. it's not like anyone is interrupting anything important that you are doing

Well you already think I'm a "culbro". What else do I win?

oh look another handicapped overreaction. no one gives a stuff what you want, if you post it here, it's because you want criticism, and you're going to get it. either learn to grab you richard and take it and for that matter learn from it or get out because no one wants to deal with your pusillanimous individual ass crying about a single bit of criticism.
I want constructive criticism, not "ur model is crap".

you attack anyone who says anything about your models. your hat looks like a grey cake. you can say it's the angle, or it's meant to look like that, or hat making is hard, or how it's your hat, and make up a bunch of crap to defend it. instead of yelling at someone when they say it looks bad you should actually listen to what they say before making some rage filled remark.

you can say it's your model and that no one is paying you, but if you want to make something that's actually good you should listen to what people say. posting it here makes it open for anyone to say anything about it. making models for yourself and shoving off what others think doesn't make you get better. i have not once seen barnabas, kaje, or darkstar yell at someone for critiquing their work. numerous times i have seen them experiment with what people have told them and make edits after edits until it looked good.
I don't want a bunch of "ur model is crap" posts.  Maybe if you gave some positive suggestions I wouldn't be acting this way?  I am just tired of you little handicapped children not understanding what I have been trying to tell you for the past 2 months.


If you don't know what this is from, you can suck a richard.
Two things:
1. It's nice
2. I'm not gay :P
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 09:42:40 PM by indyjones »

constructive criticism
you mean a hat. it just looks too oversized, some of it should be a bit thinner.
maybe you should try reading sometime before stuffting yourself all over.

Enough with the arguing.
I just want to see models.

I don't just flame people for no reason.
Infact I barely ever flame.

Maybe its because you are a huge douchebag.

make up your damn mind.`
What was there to make up?

Oh I'm sorry.
It still means the same thing you loving idiot.

Try pointing it out then. Dont be an ass.

In the first image someone says more or less says "So the default gun sucks then?" You reply "It does suck."
You're either the worst liar here or you're just really damn stupid.

No, you're just an idiot who thinks he's better than everyone else.

jesus christ how much stupider can you get. people have been making hats for ages.
Never said I was the first anywhere.

Ben Grapevine, seriously.
You need to think over your actions before you put them into motion. Everyone's going to hate you if you continue to be a major richard.

don't worry, we already do.
he constantly tells people off for posting what he calls crappy models, even though he can't model for stuff.
Obviously fanboy #4 is jealous.

You probably have more dislikes than likes.

I made bunches of stuff. You'd probably vomit at those due to your frighteningly weak stomach.
Indy Jones get the forget out,you complain about everything you can't model yourself,instead of making fun of people that can model better than you mad.
You spammed my topic with horrid models that make me want to barf.

There was no topic.

He's just a loving crybaby who can't figure out how to model by himself.
And he said ShadowsFear's models have missing quality.

No you have a right to say that,because you model tons of cool and creative stuff and he models stuff.I am mad because Cynanian left because he thinks he is more special that everyone else.
Second,he spammed a topic of mine with tons of his crappy models.
Blender,Feel free to find help on my youtube channel
Again, there was no topic.

The difference between these statements is that one is true and typed by a respected member of the community. The other is false and typed by indyjones.

Several reasons nobody wants you here.
Was irrelevant to the topic.

>call something sucky
>follow up with horrendous model

I received a ton of hate from you guys here.  So read this before you start making up lies about how you are being supportive, positive, friendly members of this community.  At least Hydralisk could suck it up and stop arguing with me.

I received a ton of hate from you guys here.  So read this before you start making up lies about how you are being supportive, positive, friendly members of this community.  At least Hydralisk could suck it up and stop arguing with me.
Your fault.

Wel, what do you think? We didn't come in and start insulting you because your name was indy or some stuff.
You caused it.