Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3930452 times)


« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 02:22:16 AM by Måster Blåster »

Damn, this'll be hard to unlock!

rakn 1337 omg i got that 2 days ago XD
i'm going to model a gun now because khain inspired me

does it look like a spas?
does it act like a spas?
answer these.

You forgot does it taste like a spas.

Just a quickie of a tazer.

Just a quickie of a tazer.
Looks more like some sort of cartoony space ranger phaser pistol thingy from space involving lasers. yes.
probably only because of the lightning bolt on the side though, idk.

Oh wow. I really should make an effort to make stuff other than blocko cars.
Also, this can be avoided in SketchUp. What you need to do is before painting the object to whatever colour you must observe it. Usually, the default colour is white and you may probably notice some bits with a blue hue. Those blueish things are the backfaces. What you have to do now is flip those backfaces to turn them white. If you did that you should be able to paint the whole model just by 1 single click.
Ok, so what buttons do I press on?

Select the face -> right click -> reverse face

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It seems the truck is sinking in quicksand :cookieMonster:

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ogmm put tat in bl

Also, blender update makes the front face of a cylinder 1 unit.
Someone, please telll me how to get it to be multiple faces instead of this.
F6 when adding the cylinder, before editing.

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loving amazing. Original design or reference?

Its the 4x4 version of the Land Rover Perentie, the kind used by the Australian army. I'm not using blueprints and tracing it though, its all done by eye. When its done, i'm going to use it as an opportunity to practice my rendering skills.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 06:54:19 AM by Racer »