Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4370774 times)

sorry for rushed model

The lack of Squideey Models makes me sad :C

The lack of Squideey Models makes me sad :C
Perfect timing. Coming up with something right now.

the iron sights technically work, i just need to adjust the offset so that they actually do something
i'm also probably going to shorten it a bunch so it doesn't look so silly
once that's all done with i'll make a modification discussion topic for the whole pack as i continue making 'em
and i don't doubt it, too
must be tough accomplishing... anything at all, huh

Came home from work and saw the shadows in the picture, thought you must've rendered it in blender or something then I remembered shadows and shaders already came out. I've been working too much.

i made the earth. i messed up on the atmosphere. i think its too blue :s

On a scale of 1-10 for realism, 9. Looks great. The only issue is a few spots in Africa are super shiny.

On a scale of 1-10 for realism, 9. Looks great. The only issue is a few spots in Africa are super shiny.
yay :D

the bump map i used was funky, that may be why africa is a shiny africa

dammit I missed my birth year page

dammit I missed my birth year page
So did I.
But we'll always have P2K to worry about.

i made the earth. i messed up on the atmosphere. i think its too blue :s

Some other website.

Look at the clouds.

Must be some free earth model or something online about telling time.

Nice copy paste bro.

Or though it might still not be, but just in case, can you please show us a picture of the model in object view in whatever program you use?

God forbid two models of the same real object look similar

In any case he could hardly be expected to make his own full texture of it. If you'll note, his has bumpmapping (causing Africa to shine like it's full of glorious white people) and his atmosphere is much more saturated and closer. And doesn't clip at the right edge, either.


Some other website.

Look at the clouds.

Must be some free earth model or something online about telling time.

Nice copy paste bro.

Or though it might still not be, but just in case, can you please show us a picture of the model in object view in whatever program you use?
There are a ton of Earth tutorials and textures/maps floating around. Wouldn't be too hard to replicate it if you followed the tutorial exactly.
So I made this in about half a day maybe? the anatomy is probably off because I know virtually nothing about anatomy, but I like how it turned out.

Obviously not blockland related.
Vaginal infection.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 05:07:57 AM by J MASTER »

Or though it might still not be, but just in case, can you please show us a picture of the model in object view in whatever program you use?
the clouds/bumpmaps/ground textures are all textures from NASA. a lot of earth models probably use them

(sorry for the big image :s)