Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4177864 times)

Was thinking of making an RPG actually based on slaying monsters and looting dungeons to find weapons and or materials for weapons and then having loads or really cool rare loot, these were just some weapon concepts.
do it. didn't you already start on it but never finish?

I ran out of time and didn't have a scripter so I could never have finished.

Is that a Destiny head?

no, but the reference I used for the base was a concept for a locus helmet from halo 4

I was trying to give crits on someones knife model on another site and they took it as "you suck you should quit"
What should I do
providing you weren't rude when you did it (which I'm sure you weren't), tell him to shut up and start actually listening to what you're saying

having a second, unbiased pair of eyes can really help you to improve as an artist, no one likes being told that they're wrong but if someone is politely pointing out something in your drawing they don't like, you should look over it again and see if there's anything YOU don't like about it, if you don't agree with them then fine, just say "thanks for the tip" and leave it at that. if you're not sure who's right, look up some references, maybe get a third opinion, ask questions, etc etc and go with what you think is best

if you can't get through to him then it's his loss, not yours, criticism is incredibly useful but no one seems to know how to use it, they just flip out and go "ur mean" or something similar

I'm not saying you should listen to everything someone else says but you shouldn't automatically dismiss them either, I used to do that and look where it got me with the way-too-tall sword pack and way-too-detailed uber-weapons

it's your artwork and no one else's but that doesn't mean that everyone else is automatically wrong; as the artist you are inherently biased towards your own work and there will always be someone who can see something that you cannot
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 02:56:32 PM by takato14 »

Also, it's generally a good idea to end critiquing posts with some encouragement; otherwise the person may feel victimized (it's like being disciplined for being bad but never being rewarded for being good, if you catch my drift).

Introducing the police parts for the Hydric Sedan!

You can also make neat some neat color combinations too

My initial reaction to that was a gasp.

So damn cool

Bronze Sword, Iron Sword.

Is that a Destiny head?

It looks sort of similar to a fallen but not really, I thought that it looked like destiny too at first.

I have mixed feelings about this, I feel like I did something very very wrong but at the same time very very right.

There's nothing wrong about this, none at all!

I have mixed feelings about this, I feel like I did something very very wrong but at the same time very very right.

your feelings are wrong, that is loving amazing

Bronze Sword, Iron Sword.

go talk to pecon, he made a dungeon generator and those swords would be so much loving love as part of it

rusty have you ever tried to make a scimitar before? i'd like to see how that'd look from you