Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3906834 times)



(coincidentally, this isn't ALL of the weapons)
Needs more Default gun with a flashlight randomly attached to it for no reason

How is my shed skeleton? Nobody said anything about it :(

How is my shed skeleton? Nobody said anything about it :(

It looks nice.

How is my shed skeleton? Nobody said anything about it :(
It's nice, however, most of the people in this thread are attracted by models that could be coming in Blockland.
Myself included. :)

Strato, those are lovey

It's nice, however, most of the people in this thread are attracted by models that could be coming in Blockland.
Myself included. :)

All models are welcomed, this thread is dedicated to models in general. Not Blockland-only.

Textures :o

-edit mybad iforgot to post the picture xd-

It's nice, however, most of the people in this thread are attracted by models that could be coming in Blockland.
Myself included. :)

I might make it into a map, even though it would just be like Wedge's map.

How do you make colors show up in blender render.

Also transparency.

Made a machine pistol model,mainly made it to practice scripting.

The other side/better angle

Obviously based off the original pistol.

Anyone have the MP_Submachine gun add on? I need an example akimbo machine gun script D: