Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3930951 times)

Navaro requested yesterday that i make a Remmington 700, so spending really long hours working on it, shifting from "I hate it!" and "This actually looks neat", i've gotten this far

572 triangles

Using these as a reference
remington700.jpg  - This is what i'm basing the gun on
26207d1255914296letssee.jpg 27505d1259731893remingt.jpg - These are etcetera references

Still need to make the trigger and the trigger guard since my requester does not want the Blockland styled square whiteCheck trigger, he also wanted me to animate it to do that bolt action thing, however, i am bad at animating
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 02:31:37 PM by Masterlegodude »

Looks nice, I don't like how the scope lenses are just flat textures though.

Looks nice, I don't like how the scope lenses are just flat textures though.
What do you suggest i do with it?

Also, the end of the muzzle thing is also flat and textured with black.png

Should i make it more tube like?

There should be a small indent at both muzzle and scope

There should be a small indent at both muzzle and scope
So make them like a tube or move the middle vertex inward?

So make them like a tube or move the middle vertex inward?
Don't make the scope a complete tube. Just push the middle vertex inward. same for the barrel but deeper.

Don't make the scope a complete tube.
I was thinking of doing something like what Team Fortress 2 has for the Sniper Rifle's scope

Just push the middle vertex inward. same for the barrel but deeper.
The barrel is completely black, so it won't be noticeable

I was thinking of doing something like what Team Fortress 2 has for the Sniper Rifle's scope

Where did you get high poly UV mapped TF2 models?

Where did you get high poly UV mapped TF2 models?
That's the world model for the Sniper Rifle set to 0 LOD

That's the world model for the Sniper Rifle set to 0 LOD
But it has textures?

« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 01:22:30 PM by soba »

cool car bro but it needs a windsheild or something

cool car bro but it needs a windsheild or something
The dark greyish part is?...

It's about as big as the jeep and you can fit inside with a pirate hat on.

Never tell your password to anyone.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
1:53 PM - mrcookie: oh hahaa
1:53 PM - mrcookie: did you see barn's post?
1:53 PM - siba: ?
1:54 PM - mrcookie: "a bit of cross-posting here, but i thought i might get a wider audience here"
1:54 PM - mrcookie: posted his car in 3d model topic
1:54 PM - mrcookie: completely ignored
1:54 PM - mrcookie: and it's been a page
1:54 PM - siba: fail :o
1:54 PM - mrcookie: yea lol
1:54 PM - mrcookie: but it's a nice model
1:54 PM - siba: HOLOY FU
1:54 PM - siba: WOAH
1:55 PM - mrcookie: lol

EDIT: Damnit, double post :c