Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3916578 times)

no, i'm pretty sure you're just stupid, sorry :panda:

There's some weird way you can get flat shading without the triangulation but you couldn't be viewing the thing in flat shaded mode because that will guarantee the messed up shading.

It involved some weird stuff with welding and unwelding faces.

There's some weird way you can get flat shading without the triangulation but you couldn't be viewing the thing in flat shaded mode because that will guarantee the messed up shading.

It involved some weird stuff with welding and unwelding faces.
View in smoothshade mode, select entire model and ctrl+shift+w.


was that supposed to be philosophical or what because i don't get it and im not erect either


was that supposed to be philosophical or what because i don't get it and im not erect either
Prty sure it was a joke on stuffty modelers

no, i'm pretty sure you're just stupid, sorry :panda:
On the left is every other modeling program, on the right is Milkshape.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 11:30:11 PM by Khepri »

What you guys don't understand is that Milkshape doesn't handle quads like everything else, each triangle is basically its own face

imgAll of you.
If that's the case, then the modeler isn't the one at fault for the triangulation now, is it?

Anyways, I'm making this dice so I can print it off on at one of my district's schools.

Not finished yet. I still have to add 5 more gears and make the points of the dice stick out more. Making it on sketchup because it's quicker and I don't have a whole load of time.

If that's the case, then the modeler isn't the one at fault for the triangulation now, is it?
No it still is, just keep everything planar and you'll be fine.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 11:33:25 PM by Khepri »

No it still is.
Wait, let me take this in and process it.
Someone makes a model that is made to look simple on purpose because it fits the style of the game that they plan to use it for. They then take a screenshot of the rendered view in the program that displays the triangulation because that was how it was made.
And yet, because of the triangulation, it's the modeler's fault? Maybe I understood you wrong or something, but that just doesn't seem right to me.

it's jimmg, nothing he ever says ought to be taken seriously or even attempted to be understood

It doesn't display it if you go to smoothshaded mode.

It doesn't display it if you go to smoothshaded mode.
Yeah, after you flatshade it properly and put it on smoothshaded view, it looks fine. I never personally flatshade my models until I am about to export it.

Use edge split you dunkass
Blockland isn't just flat shade everything god damn some things will look better smooth

Use edge split you dunkass
Blockland isn't just flat shade everything god damn some things will look better smooth
Usually I would if it looked better at all. Besides, I don't think I've ever noticed smooth shading on any of the original items besides the little circles on the printer. I just think it usually looks better to just flat-shade it.

are you trying to tell me that dead space 2 has weapons? that can't be right