Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3906749 times)

toph uses blender
filipe uses milkshape(?) (i think he uses blender)

if they use separate programs, it will be much harder for one to help the other, unless one if familiar with both programs and terminology.
As I know you can be able to make playertypes on Milkshape too, because I can export DSQ animation files, add joints, and create animations on Milkshape

toph uses blender i'm pretty sure, so he would need to know it to fully help. and blenders 10x better anyways
It can be better, but it's way more harder to learn the whole thing
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 07:00:22 PM by Filipe »

well you make separate animations. make sure to have the bones:
eye - where you see out of
mount0 - right "hand" weapon slot
mount1 - left hand
mount2 - torso i think

you don't need every single animation. a basic first playertype would work with just a root animation, which you must have. root animation is basically just a still animation.

you should have the option to export looping animations. looking up and down and walking should both be toggled at looping. maybe looking side to side too (z key turning), i don't know.

i'm pretty sure milkshape has only one animation track, so you just make one animation after the other and define their frames in the exporter.

By default, the third person camera uses the eye bone, right? But i could've sworn naming a bone 'cam' would change where the third person camera goes, could've sworn i done it with a vehicle before

eye is first person. i think third person is defined by the script, but throwing in a cam bone wouldn't hurt

frankly if you find modeling for boobland in blender difficult you probably have a learning disability.
i'm a teacher.
i can identify these things.

frankly if you find modeling for boobland in blender difficult you probably have a learning disability.
i'm a teacher.
i can identify these things.

frankly if you find modeling for boobland in blender difficult you probably have a learning disability.
i'm a teacher.
i can identify these things.
I already tried to use blender, I'm not good with keybinds, and hard to find buttons too
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 08:23:04 PM by Filipe »

Some progress, I don't even know where to start with the top.

The blueish faces are backfaces, and will show up as invisible in Blockland or any other game btw.


For Alyx Vance:

Ah, smooth shading. More to come.

K I'd wear those hats ingame.

I don't know stuff about blender, but I know the layout.  I just don't know what the buttons do.  IE a can have the original cube, move it around, scale it, rotate it and make more shapes.  How do you cut shapes out of others.