Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3929271 times)

If he sticks with the bold color scheme and finishes it, the model might look great!

hay hay

lol, as soon as I saw this, the Dueling Network music started up.

Why would you think it looks better? :u
The wine doesn't even stretch across the whole glass, plus there are many more artifacts in your picture.
His shadow is an eyesore. I only rendered 1000 samples. I know I messed up the glass thickness.

How do you make hats, items and stuff for TF2?

How do you make hats, items and stuff for TF2?
A modeling program of your choice, preferably one that can export SMD files, then make a QC file, then compile it with the studiomdl.exe in your sourcesdk folder

There's a super-ton of stuff to learn about modeling for the Source Engine and making hats and items for Team Fortress 2, i'm not gonna explain all of this because i'm a lazy jerk, there are many tutorials all over the internet, a good place to start learning is here

No, and I can't see you either. You have to put images from dropbox in the public folder.

There, added.

There, added.
I think you could have used the ring texture for the projectile instead of actually using a model shaped like rings

That's what I thought, but the actual mech looks just like that; the flimsy arm thing.
the upper body, and specifically the roosterpit, looks different in almost every incarnation, but the roosterpit is almost always set farther forward than that.

Haven't posted in a while.

1600 polys

I suck at modeling :panda:

(UV is the default unwrap, i hadn't felt like fixing it up since i'm still not liking how this looks, but i suck at textures so i decided to use the model itself for what could pass as wrinkles)
It looks like you put a lot of polys into the side bevels, but really skimped on the barrel


been working on this on-and-off for a bit
obviously still got a lot to do, like making the body have actual depth things

Is that for blockland Tabby?

I made the derivative of that rifle, bolt action was a bitch to work with.