Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4316767 times)

It's only about 1k quads. Rykuta has made guns with more quads.
Quite efficient door isn't it. :P

Wazzat over there? Fingers have been rigged. It was a pain. I'm still wondering if I should just have a thumb and palm instead of having all the individual fingers.

But individual fingers allows you to do peace signs, rocks hands, proper pinky postures, and flipping people off.

But individual fingers allows you to do peace signs, rocks hands, proper pinky postures, and flipping people off.
individual fingers

I like this pose, but it also advertises a problem I'm having. The arms don't seem to be able to handle extreme bends like the on in this pose. I've tried to emulate the topology of some other models I've seen, but it's still happening.

Another version.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 03:14:39 AM by Squideey »

Ngons might be your problem. Also preserve volume in the modifier.

that looks professional cripes

smoot shaed
If you added details like screws and etc. it would be even more professional

If you added details like screws and etc. it would be even more professional

Right. Its not all the way done, some bolt catches and screws, like you said, that need to be added. Plus I might remodel a couple features.

Add more screws! Make it look like on of Jink's guns!

Im tempted to put it in BL for the lulz :cookieMonster:

Im tempted to put it in BL for the lulz :cookieMonster:
put on some horrible ported black cops sounds and some hands


put on some horrible ported black cops sounds and some hands


Blockhead hands or CS:S hands? :cookieMonster: