Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4377696 times)

Jink that's not how you do jumping animations gosh darn
You mean floating up then recoiling in the air is not how you jump?
Man I've been jumping the wrong way forever.

Jink that's not how you do jumping animations gosh darn

She has a jetpack that can provide small boosts which allow her to jump like that.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 02:43:28 AM by TheKhoz »

How does one make his Blender animation a gif? :V

Pi, I think the base should be wider. I'm not sure if that's just the angle though.

that's a fresh one pi.
what are
how is that a pun
what is it about

what are
how is that a pun
what is it about

Before becoming TheKhoz, he was just named Pi.

Jinkazma you need to learn how to do jumping animations. That is flying.
She has a jetpack that can provide small boosts which allow her to jump like that.

And you need to learn to read.

And you need to learn to read.
I want to see this jetpack that she apparently has.

But at the angle it's at it would burn her back/wouldn't work very well since it's pushing down on her back. :c

i know right
why call something "china lake"
that gives me no indication of what it is
why not just "gernade gun"
EX-41 is the correct name of the gun.
China Lake is where it was developed at.
EX-41 also refers to the later prototype that was never finished later on.