Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4377693 times)

But at the angle it's at it would burn her back/wouldn't work very well since it's pushing down on her back. :c

Uh..uh It pivots!

No but seriously, that is not how jumping or landing works. It's too gradual on both sides.

"You are inferior!"
"You are the DOCTOR!"
"You will be EXTERMINATED!"

No but seriously, that is not how jumping or landing works. It's too gradual on both sides.
who cares lol? it looks nice. i like it.

I found 3DS models of the original Trackmania cars, changed some stuff to it, this is the result

holy tits
i would use that man

holy tits
i would use that man
I could make a private pack of those, since it's high poly and it can fail-bin, and they can be very useful for my public Trackmania Car pack, I could use the models as base
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 03:30:40 AM by Filipe »

I found 3DS models of the original Trackmania cars, changed some stuff to it, this is the result

Looks nice.
Why would high poly be fail binned?

also what does this look flat shaded?

Looks nice.
Why would high poly be fail binned?

also what does this look flat shaded?
you mean the edges of the front bumper? That's from the model itself, I can't do much

Looks nice.
Why would high poly be fail binned?

also what does this look flat shaded?

This would look awful if it was simply flatshaded. Using smoothing groups would be another thing.

New project I just started working on. Heavy WIP. 1 million points to whoever can guess what it's going to become. I'll give a hint: A weapon from a certain Science-Fiction TV show.

A weapon
Sonic Screwdriver.
Either blazing Dragon got his wording incorrect or SWAT is incorrect.
The screwdriver is a tool, the doctor really doesn't use it as a weapon, he just uses it to disable techy stuff, locks, and scan stuff.