Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3916552 times)

Do you guys know of a good resource for how to design a low-poly humanoid/organic model for animation?
(Not rigging)

You can study the topology of basemeshes to see how they are supposed to deform and etc which is what I did,

here's a website full of downloads for basemeshes, lowpoly.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 07:57:44 PM by Lunar »


Looking at his previous posts it looks like a whole forget ton of them have been deleted or something, the forget is going on?

Anyone who says you cannot hack Blockland land isn't thinking straight.
So what you're saying is that countless programs suck as Facebook, PS3, Runescape, CNN and many other professorial websites and software's have been hacked, but a simple game maintained by one guy cannot be hacked. If that were true then Badspot would be making billions of dollars since no one in the world can or has make a hack proof software. That's like saying this master lock can't be hacked just cause I said so, or I can't get past this wall because I just can't.
Also what people should be saying is that you're all too dumb to even know where to start hacking Blockland since you're still making a useless argument about if BL can or can't be hacked.
Try thinking before posting some of this stuff. All you've done is made yourself look like a moron to anyone who know what their talking about.
this was the latest post undeleted
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 08:42:33 PM by Nasoa »

I don't really even. It was like *poof* and suddenly SCP-131 and I'm like ok. 2 hours of brain on auto and 15 minutes of Photoshoppin'.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 02:27:34 PM by Demian »

I just used the feature that allows me to import SVG images into Blender somewhat-alrightly. Very cool and very useful.


Does anyone here know how to export my animations to Blockland?

I made a weapon a while ago with custom animations but they didn't load.

Is that a ... wheel?
Why yes it is. It should be a sphere with a metal base but I like my version better.


Does anyone here know how to export my animations to Blockland?

I made a weapon a while ago with custom animations but they didn't load.

When in doubt refer to the blender add-on bible.

Or at least that's what I go to when I need help, maybe try re-exporting the animations.