Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3916728 times)

I usually free hand it

But please don't become the typical teen and only model guns.

I replied to it.

I replied to it.
Oh, thanks. What else would I model? Like swords and other stuff like that? I think thats what you mean but I'm not 100% sure. The reason I said guns is because I've modeled some basic swords and stuff before but I want to be able to add new models to NEkram's WWII pack for my WWII TDM.

Just model what you want.

Just try to keep in mind you aren't restricted to weapons. That's what i meant to say.

Just model what you want.

Just try to keep in mind you aren't restricted to weapons. That's what i meant to say.
Ah ya. Im currently just doing models, like I don't even know how to make the mount points or whatever they're called on where the hand goes or whatever. I'm taking it slowly and going bit by bit. If there are any good tutorials for somebody with very little knowledge whatsoever of modeling, a link would be appreciated.

What are you working in?

What are you working in?
Sketchup. Im currently working on a Glock.

In the meantime, i've been asking people for tips on how they want the model to change.
Maybe make a custom captain's hat mount to the player when they drive?

Maybe make a custom captain's hat mount to the player when they drive?
Oh i like that
Yeah sure


I try to look at a picture and do as much as I can without having a background image and then when I get the basic model I make it look more blocko ect.

I rendered a random spot on the moon and it looks pretty neat. Gotta love the crew over at NASA. I could have gotten an even higher resolution texture but Blender doesn't handle 64,000x32,000 images very well. Dif+spec+nor+disp @ 2,252,834 quads and some artistic license taken with the specular texture and displacement amount. Otherwise I believe it's quite accurate. Time to see if I can magic the poles into not looking like star fishes.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 10:07:52 AM by Demian »

This is what I do:

-Find a good image and keep it open in the corner of my screen
-Make a flat rectangle
-Draw the outline of the gun on the rectangle
-Extrude the gun from the rectangle
-Center the trigger, sights, etc
-Add details

AkimboSGun (View in 3D)

Yes one in each loving hand.

that's a nice site, do you need the paid account to use multiple materials?

Here's the progress on the Glock. Note: This is my 1st ever gun model, so it isn't very good. I am also still adding some detail.

why is everyone modeling guns these days