Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4296425 times)

They look like those angled vents you'd find on top of a big building

They look like those angled vents you'd find on top of a big building
Oh, no they aren't, they're kinda like these handles

Except the difference is the handle is outwards from the door all the time and there'd be like a switch under the handle to unlatch it

But 20s cars didn't have that tho

But 20s cars didn't have that tho
oh well dis is blockland not irl

Alrighty! The model is done and I'll be having a friend animate the brake-lights and steering wheel and help get it ingame!

Are there hands on the steering wheel

Are there hands on the steering wheel
not yet but there may be

thats pretty gr8. i assume the red part is recolorable?

These and more will be in an upcoming pack soon, so watch out for that

The next car I'll make may be something along the lines of this, a sporty car with a 27 liter airplane engine, like the good 'ol days.

Gonna crosspost because it's technically a model as well. :)

what the hell thats incredibly loving clean holy stuff 10/10

the only part i dont like is how the upper "armor spikes" warp during the windup. a simple shrink/rotation would have done well enough - it makes it look like some odd organic thing rather than the sleek metallic medallion it looks like initially.