Author Topic: My Host Friend  (Read 3284 times)

 Ok, so here it is.

    When me and my buddy joined Blockland, I knew it was gonna be fun. But, at the beginning, neither of us had our ports forwarded. So, I try three times with multiple guides, and my ports don't forward. So, all the while, he go into other servers, see idiots and noobs, and generally hate the people who go 'XD' and 'ROFLMAOLOL' and stuff like that.

     But then, one day, my friend gets his ports forwarded. So I'm like, sweet, now we can play. But then he suddenly starts being like an idiot, using 'XD' at absolutly everything and banning people for no good reason sometimes. Then he keeps complaining about how nobody does what he says. He's had this server for a long time now, whereas I, still don't have my ports forwarded. AND he's going a little host-like crazy. And NOW, after I tazer him in this one stupid game, he decides to stop the game and clear all the bricks. And Now I'm really angry. So I go up to him and Tazer him, and he says, and I quote, "**** Face. Don't EVER tazer me." That makes me so mad that I shout right back at him, "Why not? Because you're the Big Bad Host?"

      Then, over the top it says ' Ceejay21 has been UnAdmined' I say, "Idc" and leave. Minutes later, I'm banned;Reason: Get the (I don't swear) Out.


       What should I do?

Sorry about crazy length. :panda:

Ok, so here it is.

    When me and my buddy joined Blockland, I knew it was gonna be fun. But, at the beginning, neither of us had our ports forwarded. So, I try three times with multiple guides, and my ports don't forward. So, all the while, he go into other servers, see idiots and noobs, and generally hate the people who go 'XD' and 'ROFLMAOLOL' and stuff like that.

     But then, one day, my friend gets his ports forwarded. So I'm like, sweet, now we can play. But then he suddenly starts being like an idiot, using 'XD' at absolutly everything and banning people for no good reason sometimes. Then he keeps complaining about how nobody does what he says. He's had this server for a long time now, whereas I, still don't have my ports forwarded. AND he's going a little host-like crazy. And NOW, after I tazer him in this one stupid game, he decides to stop the game and clear all the bricks. And Now I'm really angry. So I go up to him and Tazer him, and he says, and I quote, "**** Face. Don't EVER tazer me." That makes me so mad that I shout right back at him, "Why not? Because you're the Big Bad Host?"

      Then, over the top it says ' Ceejay21 has been UnAdmined' I say, "Idc" and leave. Minutes later, I'm banned;Reason: Get the (I don't swear) Out.


       What should I do?

Sorry about crazy length. :panda:
Leave and come back when you're over the age of 8. Seriously, you have no idea how shocked I am at this topic.

Leave and come back when you're over the age of 8. Seriously, you have no idea how shocked I am at this topic.
I don't see why age should play such an important role. At least his grammar isn't terrible.

It's a game. Get over it. At least he's not admin of your life.

I don't see why age should play such an important role. At least his grammar isn't terrible.
Someone called me a poopie face and when I called him a jerk he banned me! Please someone we used to be best friends and hang out at recess but now he is just being a meanie!

When me and my buddy joined Blockland, I knew it was gonna be fun.
If he treats you like that, he is not your buddy.
Just ignore him.
Power corrupts, but life goes on.

You should stand up to your rights, bro! Tell him what you think! Next time you see that bully I want you to march right up to him and say "You hurt my feelings! Do it again and I'll tell on you!"

Well, wait, this guy's his best friend ._.
Sorry if I'm wrong, but if he is your best (well was, but still) friend, that's really gotta suck.
Maybe Maxxuss could do it through Remote Assistance. That's how I got mine done ;)
OH, and have you tried holding down the reset button on your Router for 30 seconds?
If you just click it, it doesn't work.

He is TEH BIG BAD ADM1N >.<!!!1!

In class, give him a note. "UR NUT MY FWEND ANY mOOR

You guise are mean to wittle CeeJay. :(

Nah, but really, Cee, this forum is loaded with people a lot older than you. Might not want to spend too much time here. Its a bad place.

Ok, wow.
   I wasn't expecting so many posts from this. Thanks to everyone except Colten. And by the way, I'm not 8.