Author Topic: One's crosshair  (Read 7048 times)

This 1 is edited from the normal blockland crosshair. Oh, and btw, first Add-On.

-->Link. Couldn't get the img tags right. :/

(now, gime ur cookies)

Discussion, any1?

 |    I know, Image just wont show up. I use kuvamaja or imageshack image hosting.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 04:12:50 AM by The Chosen One »

Couldn't get the img tags right. :/
Put the [img] part of the tags on the left of the image link, and [/img] on the right of the image link

This is the Crosshair.

Not bad for a default edit.

Ya it's pretty good. :) If I could find a way so it could be used with the switchable-in-game cross hair script
then I would use it.

Ya it's pretty good. :) If I could find a way so it could be used with the switchable-in-game cross hair script
then I would use it.
im trying to figure that out, im not using that until i figure out how to use different crosshairs...Ill PM you if i ever figure out.

Looks like you just put a line in it.

Looks like you just put a line in it.

It basically is. Just coloured it blue and stick a 1x6 brick inside. :3

Wow. I can't even make a crosshair. When I do, The background of the image is always white, not trans.
I delete EVERYTHING but the crosshair in paint, and it still gives me a white background. Any help?

Wow. I can't even make a crosshair. When I do, The background of the image is always white, not trans.
I delete EVERYTHING but the crosshair in paint, and it still gives me a white background. Any help?
Use PAINT.NET and Trans it.

Please stop making crosshairs. They aren't that cool and they block your veiw when building. (Most of them atleast, not this one really.....)

Use PAINT.NET and Trans it.
K thanx  :cookieMonster:
EDIT: I Dl'd it, tried it, and don't like it. It STARTS with a white background, not a blank one.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 02:18:10 PM by loopyla1 »

K thanx  :cookieMonster:
EDIT: I Dl'd it, tried it, and don't like it. It STARTS with a white background, not a blank one.

Don't even try, please.

K thanx  :cookieMonster:
EDIT: I Dl'd it, tried it, and don't like it. It STARTS with a white background, not a blank one.

U know, i use gimp. Layers>Transparent/invisibility>color to transparent and then set the color to white. :3

Ps. The instructions maybe not the best, but im Finnish. ;D