Author Topic: Sticky Brick!  (Read 12328 times)

This is my first release so don't flame :S (yet i know its hard to resist on such a glitchy brick) Please try not to.
I was sorta messing around with a brick.. and stumbled upon a sticky brick! There is no function just a .blb but there are a few bugs. :S

1. You can't kill it with out killing the brick under neath it or undoing it.
2. For some people it will have no rendering. (invisible) **RARE**
3. Since you can kill it you also cant event it :O

How it works:
It makes it so the collision is only 2.xx something the height and it has 3 height. Making the player get stuck on contact... You can jet away from it to escape.

Place into your Add-Ons folder.

- MediaFire.

Sorry no pics.. Kinda hard to show in a pic that u cant move..
It's a 3x3 brick does that help?

If you think its not worth the download.. dont download it.. if you think its 2 buggy dont download it.. if you don't like it.. then don't download it..

Locked because of lamness of brick! :)
and it will never be fixed :O
hopefully my next addon isnt as lame as this..
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 02:14:00 AM by Zeke »

i smell noob trap coming.

Why not sort out the bugs BEFORE the release?

Also seems kinda useless and abusive.

The bugs are un-solvable.. At least I'm quite sure.

The bugs are un-solvable.. At least I'm quite sure.
I think it's more a matter of you not knowing what you're doing.

I think it's more a matter of you not knowing what you're doing.
Do you know how to fix it? If you do fix it then :P

Do you know how to fix it? If you do fix it then :P
It's your work, you fix it.

It's your work, you fix it.
I can't fix it.. because it seems that there is no fix... I've asked a few of my friends that know about this stuff and they cant find it either.

If by friends, you mean darklight; You've found your problem.

Lol.. I have more friends than DarkLight and is DarkLight a bad scripter your saying?

No but he can act like a total starfish sometimes.

No but he can act like a total starfish sometimes.
yea.. im not going to argue with you on that...

No but he can act like a total starfish sometimes.


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Why me???!!!

Have any of you tried it yet :)


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Why me???!!!
Stop with the talking to the red text stuff already.