Author Topic: I NEED THIS SONG  (Read 5432 times)

Uh, No it doesn't. Your allowed to post Music Suggestions in here.

PLS PLS PLS give me the link to download the song
pls pls PLS!!!
It was done TWO years ago.
Lock please.

This is a fail and...

Can't believe I'm doing this...give me the author and I will do it.  Also give me the place where you want it to start and finish.  I will not do full songs.

System of a Down is AWESOME!

PLS PLS PLS give me the link to download the song
pls pls PLS!!!
Is it by SoaD? If so, I have it. Respond and I'll give it to you in .ogg format so you can use it in Blockland.

Wait... I think this topic be a dead one...

Dead topic, ignore all future, past, and present posts.

The hell is Toxity?

Of course he doesn't mean Toxicity by System of a Down. How media core of him would that be?

Big letters make my words more important.